Thursday, November 12, 2009
Diversity Visa Program 2010
Facts for 2009 U.S. Diversity Visa Winners and 2010 Diversity Visa Applicants
The interview season for 2009 Diversity Visa (DV) lottery winners began on October 21, 2008, and the application period for the 2010 DV program began on October 2, 2008. The U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu would like to remind DV applicants about some important facts regarding the DV program:
1. Please be aware that even if you are selected as a DV winner and receive the second letter from KCC this does not guarantee that you will receive a visa. At the time of your visa interview, a Consular Officer will determine whether you meet the qualifications and are eligible for the DV under the laws of the United States.
2. DV winners must have the equivalent of twelve years of formal education at a minimum to qualify for a visa. In Nepal, this is:
Intermediate or certificate level, which is the degree obtained for successfully attending and passing two years in college after ten years of school.
Ten plus two that includes twelve years of formal schooling (academic or in special cases vocational).
Attendance in a college or 10+2 institute is mandatory to count as twelve years of formal schooling. Private exams taken in lieu of school attendance do not count as twelve years of formal education under the laws of the United States.
3. Vocational degrees, including the CTEVT, will count only if they are accepted in Nepal as a basis for further academic study to all programs in all institutes of higher education. Vocational degrees that allow limited admission to selected programs do not count as twelve years of formal education for the purposes of the DV program.
4. If the DV winner has not completed 12 years of education, he or she must have work experience in an occupation identified by the U.S. Department of Labor in order to qualify for the DV. Most of these kinds of jobs require the equivalent of a U.S. university degree.
You can find out if your occupational experience might qualify for the DV program by going to the U.S. Department of Labor’s job database website at, select "Find Occupations" and then select a specific “Job Family” your work belongs to. Click on the link for your specific occupation. Finally, select the tab "Job Zone" to find out the designated Job Zone number and Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) rating range.
To qualify for work experience you must have worked for two years, both within the past five years, in an occupation that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5, classified in a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) range of 7.0 or higher.
All work experience is verified and you must convince the visa officer that you in fact work in your purported field.
5. Few people qualify for the DV based on their work experience. If you do not have either the educational or work experience, you WILL NOT qualify to receive a DV and should not proceed with your DV application.
6. Please note that if you did not include your spouse and all unmarried children under age 21 on your original electronic DV entry for any reason, you WILL be disqualified from the DV, which means that the DV winner WILL NOT receive a visa (even though you receive the second letter from KCC). Thus, if you won the lottery but failed to include your family on your original DV submission, you are advised not to pay the non-refundable $775 DV processing fee or to appear for a DV interview, as you will be found ineligible for a visa. Non-refundable means the fee cannot be returned once it has been paid.
7. There is no cost for the DV program until the day of the interview. Applicants do not need to pay money to anyone for DV information. On the day of the interview, DV winners will pay the application fee to the U.S. Embassy directly.
8. The United States government employs no outside consultants to facilitate visas. We strongly urge you NOT to use consultants’ services, as their assistance does not improve your chances of obtaining a visa. If you do not meet the minimum qualifications for the visa, you WILL NOT receive a visa. Any consultant who claims that he can improve your odds is promising something he cannot deliver.
9. Please do NOT attempt to submit fraudulent documents with your visa application. By doing so, you will be refused a visa and risk being permanently ineligible for any type of visa to the United States in the future. Furthermore, you may be turned over to the police who may take legal action against you.
10. Regardless of whether an entry is submitted by the applicant directly, or assistance is provided by someone else, the applicant alone remains responsible for insuring that all information in the entry is correct and complete.
11. The DV-2010 lottery registration period will run from 9:45 p.m. Thursday, October 2, 2008 in Kathmandu (noon EST on October 2, 2008), until 10:45 p.m. Monday, December 1, 2008 in Kathmandu (noon EST December 1, 2008). No DV-2010 entries will be accepted after 10:45 p.m. Monday, December 1, 2008 (noon EST on December 1, 2008), regardless of whether there are system delays during the registration period.
12. Apply early to make sure your application is accepted. All registrations must be done electronically; mail-in requests or paper entries will not be accepted. Applicants are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last week of the registration period to enter. Heavy demand may result in website delays.
13. There have been instances of fraudulent websites posing as official U.S. Government sites. Some companies posing as the U.S. Government have sought money in order to "complete" lottery entry forms. There is no charge to download and complete the Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form. The Department of State notifies successful Diversity Visa applicants by letter, and NOT by email. The DV program is designed to bring greater racial and ethnic diversity to the United States. It offers permanent residency visas to citizens of nations that have a traditionally low level of immigration to the United States. Persons seeking to enter the lottery program must register online through the designated website ( during the registration period. Registration is free of charge. The State Department plans to issue 50,000 permanent resident visas worldwide during DV-2010.
नेपालद्वारा गठित मन्त्रिपरिषद्को कार्यविभाजन
नेपालद्वारा गठित मन्त्रिपरिषद्को कार्यविभाजन
सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्री
सि.नं. मन्त्रिपरिषद् गठन विधि कार्य विभाजन
१. श्री माधवकुमार नेपाल प्रधानमन्त्री
माननीय उपप्रधानमन्त्री
२. श्री विजयकुमार गच्छदार भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण
३. श्रीमती सुजाता कोइराला परराष्ट्र
माननीय मन्त्रीहरु
४. श्री विद्यादेवी भण्डारी रक्षा
५. श्री शरतसिंह भण्डारी पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयन
६. श्री भीमबहादुर रावल गृह
७. श्री राजेन्द्र महतो
वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति
८. श्री सुरेन्द्र पाण्डे अर्थ
९. श्री प्रेमबहादुर सिंह कानून तथा न्याय
१०. डा. प्रकाशशरण महत ऊर्जा
११. श्री बालकृष्ण खाँण सिँचाई
१२. श्री शंकर पोखरेल सूचना तथा सञ्चार
१३. डा. मिनेन्द्रप्रसाद रिजाल संघीय मामिला, संविधान सभा, संसदीय व्यवस्था तथा संस्कृति
१४. श्री रकम चेम्जोङ शान्ति तथा पूनर्निर्माण
१५. श्री पूर्णकुमार सेर्मा लिम्बु स्थानीय विकास
१६. श्री उमाकान्त चौधरी स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या
१७. मो. आफ्ताब आलम श्रम तथा यातायात
१८. श्री प्रभाकर प्रधानाङ्ग (रविन्द्र श्रेष्ठ) सामान्य प्रशासन
१९. श्री डम्बर श्रेष्ठ भूमीसुधार तथा व्यवस्था
२०. श्री रामचन्द्र कुशवाहा शिक्षा
२१. श्री दीपक बोहरा वन तथा भू-संरक्षण
२२. श्री महेन्द्रप्रसाद यादव उद्योग
२३. श्री मृगेन्द्रकुमार सिंह यादव कृषि तथा सहकारी
२४. श्री गणेश तिवारी नेपाली युवा तथा खेलकुद
२५. श्री ठाकुरप्रसाद शर्मा वातावरण
२६. श्री लक्ष्मणलाल कर्ण विना विभागीय
२७. श्री सर्वदेवप्रसाद ओझा महिला, बालबालिका तथा समाजकल्याण
माननीय राज्यमन्त्रीहरु
२८. श्री गणेशबहादुर खड्का स्थानीय विकास
२९. श्री डिल्लीबहादुर महत शान्ति तथा पुनर्निर्माण
३०. श्री जीतबहादुर दर्जी गौतम सामान्य प्रशासन
३१. श्री चन्द्रसिंह भट्टराई ऊर्जा
३२. श्री मुहम्मद रिजवान गृह
३३. श्री खड्गबहादुर बस्याल सार्की स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या
३४. श्री दानबहादुर कुर्मी चौधरी उद्योग
३५. श्री मानबहादुर शाही भूमीसुधार तथा व्यवस्था
३६. श्री इन्द्रप्रसाद ढुङ्गेल विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि
३७. श्री सञ्जयकुमार शाह भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण
३८. श्री रामबच्चन अहिर यादव महिला, बालबालिका तथा समाजकल्याण
३९. श्री करिमा वेगम कृषि तथा सहकारी
४०. श्री शत्रुघप्रसाद सिंह कोइरी पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयन
४१. श्री सरोजकुमार यादव वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति
४२. श्री गोविन्द चौधरी शिक्षा
माननीय सहायक मन्त्री
४३. श्री कलावतीदेवी दुसाध भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण
४४. श्री चन्दा चौधरी युवा तथा खेलकुद
सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्री
सि.नं. मन्त्रिपरिषद् गठन विधि कार्य विभाजन
१. श्री माधवकुमार नेपाल प्रधानमन्त्री
माननीय उपप्रधानमन्त्री
२. श्री विजयकुमार गच्छदार भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण
३. श्रीमती सुजाता कोइराला परराष्ट्र
माननीय मन्त्रीहरु
४. श्री विद्यादेवी भण्डारी रक्षा
५. श्री शरतसिंह भण्डारी पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयन
६. श्री भीमबहादुर रावल गृह
७. श्री राजेन्द्र महतो
वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति
८. श्री सुरेन्द्र पाण्डे अर्थ
९. श्री प्रेमबहादुर सिंह कानून तथा न्याय
१०. डा. प्रकाशशरण महत ऊर्जा
११. श्री बालकृष्ण खाँण सिँचाई
१२. श्री शंकर पोखरेल सूचना तथा सञ्चार
१३. डा. मिनेन्द्रप्रसाद रिजाल संघीय मामिला, संविधान सभा, संसदीय व्यवस्था तथा संस्कृति
१४. श्री रकम चेम्जोङ शान्ति तथा पूनर्निर्माण
१५. श्री पूर्णकुमार सेर्मा लिम्बु स्थानीय विकास
१६. श्री उमाकान्त चौधरी स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या
१७. मो. आफ्ताब आलम श्रम तथा यातायात
१८. श्री प्रभाकर प्रधानाङ्ग (रविन्द्र श्रेष्ठ) सामान्य प्रशासन
१९. श्री डम्बर श्रेष्ठ भूमीसुधार तथा व्यवस्था
२०. श्री रामचन्द्र कुशवाहा शिक्षा
२१. श्री दीपक बोहरा वन तथा भू-संरक्षण
२२. श्री महेन्द्रप्रसाद यादव उद्योग
२३. श्री मृगेन्द्रकुमार सिंह यादव कृषि तथा सहकारी
२४. श्री गणेश तिवारी नेपाली युवा तथा खेलकुद
२५. श्री ठाकुरप्रसाद शर्मा वातावरण
२६. श्री लक्ष्मणलाल कर्ण विना विभागीय
२७. श्री सर्वदेवप्रसाद ओझा महिला, बालबालिका तथा समाजकल्याण
माननीय राज्यमन्त्रीहरु
२८. श्री गणेशबहादुर खड्का स्थानीय विकास
२९. श्री डिल्लीबहादुर महत शान्ति तथा पुनर्निर्माण
३०. श्री जीतबहादुर दर्जी गौतम सामान्य प्रशासन
३१. श्री चन्द्रसिंह भट्टराई ऊर्जा
३२. श्री मुहम्मद रिजवान गृह
३३. श्री खड्गबहादुर बस्याल सार्की स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या
३४. श्री दानबहादुर कुर्मी चौधरी उद्योग
३५. श्री मानबहादुर शाही भूमीसुधार तथा व्यवस्था
३६. श्री इन्द्रप्रसाद ढुङ्गेल विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि
३७. श्री सञ्जयकुमार शाह भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण
३८. श्री रामबच्चन अहिर यादव महिला, बालबालिका तथा समाजकल्याण
३९. श्री करिमा वेगम कृषि तथा सहकारी
४०. श्री शत्रुघप्रसाद सिंह कोइरी पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयन
४१. श्री सरोजकुमार यादव वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति
४२. श्री गोविन्द चौधरी शिक्षा
माननीय सहायक मन्त्री
४३. श्री कलावतीदेवी दुसाध भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण
४४. श्री चन्दा चौधरी युवा तथा खेलकुद
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